Embrace the Sun and Soak Up Knowledge: Summer Reading Homework Illuminates Minds!
Summer Homework and Supply Lists
Welcome to our summer reading program and supply lists for each grade level! As we embark on the sunny days ahead, we want to ensure that our students continue to engage in the joy of reading and arrive prepared for the upcoming school year. Below, you will find the comprehensive summer reading information and supply lists tailored specifically to each grade level, providing a seamless transition into the next academic year.
Supply Lists
We are excited to inform you that we have decided to offer prepackaged school supplies for the upcoming academic year through School Tool Box. Each supply box is carefully curated to align with your teacher's approved list. You have the flexibility to include additional items or exclude those you do not require. Once you complete your online payment, the supplies will be conveniently shipped directly to your home address. It couldn't be easier than that!
Ordering available beginning June 1st. Allow 10 days for processing.
Your order supports
One box, one meal